What is CLIL?

Content and Language Integrated Learning is a highly engaging, highly transferable approach for teaching additional languages. And it is clever! Teaching and learning in the CLIL Classroom allows students to learn content and language together.
As explained by Coyle, Hood and Marsh.*

“CLIL is not a new form of language education.
It is not a new form of subject education.
It is an innovative fusion of both.”

The very nature of CLIL requires students to talk and work together. The CLIL Classroom therefore becomes a supportive learning environment which maximises the learning potential for any topic – at any level and for any age. CLIL in the primary school classroom is MAGIC!

I can show you how easy it is to create and implement a CLIL unit which fits into your existing planners and curriculum. You and your students will see and feel the excitement for learning!

Happy Students = Confident Students.
Confident Students = Enthusiastic Learners.

This is when the MAGIC happens!!

Tilka Brown
Tilka Brown
Tilka Brown
Tilka Brown
Tilka Brown
Tilka Brown

*D. Coyle, P. Hood and D. Marsh, CLIL: Content and Language Integrated Learning., 1st ed. Cambridge, UK.: Cambridge University Press, 2010, p.1.